Adorable Elvis......................Such a happy chap :-)
Happy our new log cabin is up, all the hard work has paid off. More space :-)
Fabulous summer walks with this cool crew!
His character so charming and chilled until it comes to ball time where his competitive side comes out and he will chase that ball and bring it back everytime...........Is there doggy Olympics for bringing the ball back because I know a dog that would get the Gold medal :-)
Such beautiful little sisters just loving life an absolute pleasure to look after, care for and spend time with........scrumtiddlyumptious miniture schnauzer's
So lovely watching the doggies, captured a great picture of little dog playing with a much bigger dog who was so gental with her.................happy times
Such a lovable character, full of fun and energy, always look forward to having him. Ace truly is Ace
Loves his walk, so inquisitive but always comes back to my side for a little rub on my leg and always comes back when called..............An absolute pleasure to be with :-)
This beautiful boy Duman a rescue doggy all the way from Turkey, his fabulous owner found out he was in a house fire and brought him back to England with her, his paws were badly burnt but with all the care he is back in good shape. What an absolute treasure to spend time with him. We have him for 10 days, how lucky are we :-)
They truly are best friends, we absolutely adore them. They are rescue dogs and their owner has put allot of effort into them, they are now the most chilled out pair you could ever meet. Love, snuggles and comfort is all I see in this picture ;-)